
The Earth is 70% water, which means that all its greatest treasures and mysteries lie beneath its oceans and seas. This alone makes the underwater realm worthy of immense protection, but it offers us so much more. Marine life is an inextricable part of the ecosystem, and contributes immensely not only to our food cycles, but also to the well being of the climate.

It can be disheartening to live in a world where our industries and businesses do not realize this, and carry out processes that maximize their profit at the cost of valuable marine ecosystems. This is why it is important, today more than ever, to raise awareness about and rally for the conservation of marine life.

Making Waves is an initiative that focuses on community-centric solutions to address global climate change, by highlighting important perspectives on ocean sustainability, marine pollution, and ecosystem conservation. Through constant and dedicated intervention, we believe that we can bring about a much needed change for the Indian coastal landscape!